
Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Five New Governors shall join us-New PDP boast

Like the proverbial cat with seven lives the leadership of the breakaway Peoples Democratic Party (nPDP) seem not to be daunted. They  have said that  it has accepted the court order barring the group, but will not cease fire with their old bandwagon.

Alhaji Abubakar Baraje,national chairman of the breakaway group , summoned all the seven governors and
other stakeholders  of the splinter PDP to emergency meeting to discuss further strategy and the way forward.

At the Emergency meeting  they hope to  deliberate how five new governors that joined them would be received.

Another scandal for Aviation Minister!

Double dilemma for the embattled Aviation Minister-Stella Oduah, as Sahara Reporter  have reported that another agency- under her control have bought 4 Stretch limos in addition to Toyota Tundra her in June 2013. Although the report is unconfirmed officially, it may worsen her public perception and her Ministry as corrupt laden.
Although the cars is said to be meant for VIPs, the official position of the Aviation ministry is awaited to diffuse this present scandal.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Memorable Quotes by Past Nigeria Leaders on Poverty

Ibrahim Babangida
"The work of Nigeria is not complete for as long as there is any one Nigerian who goes to bed on empty stomach"

Ibrahim Babangida (Global Thinking, Local Insight - Visionary Approach
IBB’s leadership vision and hopes for the future of Nigeria, 2002 available at

Reply: Nigerians still remember SAP, many became hungry with SAP,infact very hungry.

Olusegun Obasanjo

"Nigeria has no business with poverty. With our human and material resources, we shall strive to eradicate poverty from our country"
Olusegun Obasanjo (Let's Re-Build Together being Text of an Acceptance Speech as a Presidential Nominee of the Peoples Democratic Party by Olusegun Obasanjo, Jos, Plateau State Monday, February 15, 1999)

Reply: Baba, poverty no go o!

Sunday, October 20, 2013

The 4 trillion naira cost of Aviation Minister’s cars

                                                                      Princess Stella Oduah-Ogiemwonyi
                                       Source: By Nnabros (Own work) [CC-BY-SA-3.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

There are many factors to be considered for every decisions to be taken especially  when such action, inaction or mis-action has impact on people in your immediate circle.
Most actions do, the outcome of our actions have impact on more than one individual immediately or at a latter time. Certain categories of people who have greater impact are people in the leadership position in it various forms.

The miscalculation of any leader can have a devastating outcome. Therefore action or inaction should be weighed very well. Political decisions can be legal but unnecessary, it may be necessary but not expedient, normal but expensive and legal but economically unjustifiable.

Princess Stella Oduah-Ogiemwonyi, the Aviation Minister last week made a procurement of 2 expensive armored vehicles. The minister in one sweep bought what many LGAs in Nigeria try to accommodate in their annual budget they would only be left with kobos as change.

She has justified it that she has many apparent enemies which the armoured vehicle would protect her from. Her tribe men and women have rose to her support, it is a usual thing in Nigeria. Bode George had a rousing welcome from prison after stealing common patrimony ,Al Mustapha was welcome with large crowd in Kano even though many Yorubas have the feeling he has kill one of their own.

Our dear 51years old Princess have presided over the purchase of adult play toy which have been delivered. But one thing is that there is a futuristic cost of her action and opportunity cost of such action. But the 255million naira can be used for many things even in the Aviation Sector. If the same amount of money was to be invested in a viable government undertaking, at a conservative return rate of 10% annually and roll over for the next 30 years.

In the next 10years, when the beautiful Princess should be 61years of age and PDP maybe out of power then and out of scheme at the centre that money should have compounded into at least 600million naira, when she is 71years same must have turned into 1.8trillion naira and by the time she is 81years the money must have transformed with  abundant “fresh air” to more than 4 trillion naira that is close to the present Nigeria annually budget. Those armored vehicles would have been in antique collector junkyard by then anyway.

So much for luxurious moving steels for the Princess.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

10 Reasons why Nigeria should not break up

  • ·        We have paid prize for unity through a bloody Civil War where about 3million Nigerians lost their lives. This was a conflict to keep Nigeria one fought over a period that could have been invested to make Nigeria better.
  • ·        Nigeria in the present state is the sleeping giant of Africa and black race. 0ne out of every four blacks, so also on-seventh of African population  is a Nigeria making her population to be an asset. Lagos alone is one of the world largest city with bigger population that Benin and Togo. The economic potential is enormous.
  • ·        We have started although slowly and on a tortuous path in a journey to World prominence and possible dominance. Any act that stalls that does not necessarily guarantee any part taking off soonest.
  • ·        The breakaway parts might never get to the level Nigeria, she is at the present no matter how bad it is. None of the USSR fragment have reach the zenith of USSR days. Breakaway   Bangladesh and Pakistan are neither here or there. In fact Pakistan have become a hotbed of exportable fundamentalism after both nation broke away from India. So if certain part of Nigeria break away what is the guarantee that Far North would not concentrate there strife and make it exportable to it breakaway neighbours.
  • ·        The diversity- The diversity is enormous with over 250 tribes with her unique culture and traditions.  There is also diversity of natural resources which when properly harness can make the Nigeria a power house of economic development.
  • ·        Our leaders since democracy are drawn from most tribes and tongues in Nigeria, have any part demonstrated greater restraint in stealing our common patrimony. So if we break in many part we shall all part with our portion of thief, villains and essentially non visionary political class.
  • ·        If Nigeria would break, into how many pieces? Not into 3 parts where the presently the dominant tribes are calling shot i.e the ex- regions-North, West and East. Various antecedents have pointed to the fact that if Nigeria would break it would into not less than 10 mini nations with sub parts of these number in the trench agitating for their own Nation. Thus it is better it does not happen in the first place. North is never going to go as one Nation; the Fulani would want to continue their fore-bearer heritage of dominance of one North. The Middle Belt tribe would never accept the concept of one North, Plateau State is sign what would happen. It is even in doubt whether the Eggon and Alago in Nassarawa State will want to be in one Nation. The Middle Belt region may be a theater of War. How would the question of Old Ilorin Province, consisting of Offa be addressed, would North want a predominant Yoruba area as a part of it new nation. It is even in doubt if the Kanuris would want to be with the Hausa/Fulani ,religious affiliation notwithstanding!
  • ·        So much years have been spent as a nation not from 1960 when we attained independence but 1914 when we became one entity, one nation. That is a long years of investment in Nation building. 100 years have gone in Nation building, resources have one part of the country have been used for another thus such output have become common resources.
  • ·        The big brother of Africa would be gone with present smaller brothers becoming “Big brothers”.
  • ·        A breakup would turn many peace home of inter-tribal homes to foreigner inter-marriage with it attending problems.

Certainly it would be better for Nigeria to solve her problem together; get rid of the common thief, chase away the common vision-less leaders and pursue a common bright destiny together.

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