
Showing posts with label Nigeria. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nigeria. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Is Nigeria rich?

green-white-green flag
Many people would want to believe Nigeria is presently rich. But is Nigeria rich? Some Nigerians maybe super rich and feature in the Forbes radar but can that be said of Nigerians on the street. In fact this year’s list of 40 African billionaires by Forbes magazine, 11 Nigerians were mentioned.
Although Nigeria have one of the highest economic growth rate in the world, averaging 7.4% in the last decade and one of the major oil exporters in the world. But the data for the man on the street speaks otherwise

  • About 60% of Nigeria live below $1 per day
  • Per Capita is about $2,800 that is all income of Nigeria generated in a year divided among all the population.
  • If all the wealth of the billionaire aforementioned are added together they are not as much as Carlos Slim, the World richest man from Mexico.
  • Even-though Nigeria is resource rich, her annually budget which tally with her income is $500 million dollar for 2012 some Forbes 500 have bigger expenditure than that.
   Is Nigeria Rich?

gold bag
"Image courtesy of [Struat Miles] /".

Thursday, November 7, 2013

The Three January Ist in the making of Nigeria

01-01- 1900 - British protectorates of Northern & Southern Nigeria established and each of this region  came under the control of the British Government separately.
Flag of Northern Nigerian Protectorate
Flag of the High Commissioner of the Southern Nigeria Protectorate

01-01-1901 - Nigeria becomes a British protectorate and part of the British Empire.
Map of colonial Nigeria 1909
Map of colonial Nigeria 1909

Governor Southern Protectorate
Sir Walter Egerton ,Governor Southern protectorate
August 1904 – 1912

Stamp of Southern Nigeria
Stamp of Southern Nigeria 

01-01-1914 - Northern & Southern Nigeria united as a single territorial unit- British colony of Nigeria an action popularly called amalgamation. 

Nigerian Map 1930

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Tuesday, November 5, 2013

What is ASUU fighting for?

Much hope is in Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU)  calling off her about 4 months old strike after meeting with the President yesterday(4/11/13). An average Nigerian after much negotiations between the Federal Government and ASUU does not know much about the  touted Jan 2009 agreement.

ABU Senate Building

The following are summary of requests by ASUU as stated in the signed 2009 agreement.

 Issues about the  CONDITIONS OF SERVICE were raised.Various issues as related to remuneration were outlined. A  Salary Structure for Academic Staff in Nigerian Universities which entails  a separate Salary Structure for University Academic staff to be known as Consolidated University Academic Salary
Structure II (CONUASS II) was recommended.

Allowances for things like supervision of postgraduate student was  explicitly spelt out e.g. Lecturer I  would collect N15,000 per student, per annum, Senior Lecturer N20,000 per student, per annum
and Reader & Professor N25,000 per student, per annum.

Other issues like Teaching Practice/Industrial Supervision/Field Trip Allowances, Honoraria for External Moderation of Undergraduate and Postgraduate Examinations ,Postgraduate Study Grant,External Assessment of Readers or Professors, Call Duty/Clinical Duty/Clinic Hazard and Responsibility Allowance where explicitly spelt out with amount attached in the agreement.

The academicians in their usual characteristic where very thorough with even excess workload allowance was requested for

  • Professor                N3,500 per hour
  • Reader                   N3,500 per hour
  •  Senior Lecturer      N3,500 per hour
  • Lecturer I               N2,000 per hour
  • Lecturer II              N2,000 per hour
  • Assistant Lecturer   N2,000 per hour
  • Graduate Assistant  N2,000 per hour
There were non-Salary conditions like Vehicle Loan/Car Refurbishing Loan, Housing Loan,Research Leave(twenty-six (26) working days per annum) and Sabbatical Leave(Locally or Abroad which if abroad
,the University shall pay the transport expenses of a spouse and four children) etc.

The retirement age was negociated  from 65 years to 70 years for those in professorial grade with attached clauses. Issue bordering on Pension and Health Insurance were also raise.
Students recieving a lecture
By Vincent demart (Own work) [CC-BY-SA-3.0 ( or GFDL (], via Wikimedia Commons

University Funding was also raised and funding for Federal Universities which include  Recurrent and Capital Grants was recommended between 2009 and 2011 as thus

Year                      Amount (N)
      2009                     472,031,575,919
      2010                     497,531,778,701
      2011                     548,768,190,681
             Total                      1, 518, 331, 545, 304

while State Universities which is calculated per student
Year                        Amount (N)
2009                        1,144,075
2010                        1,205,880
2011                        1,330,063
Total (approximated) 3,680,000

 Furthermore it was recommended that 26%(minimum) of of the annual budget of the State and Federal Governments should be allocated to education while at least 50% of this money should be for Universities.

Education Tax fund and Petroleum Technology Development Fund (PTDF)were recommended for restructuring.
Entrance of Bayero University Kano Library
By Michael Sean Gallagher from London, United Kingdom (The entrance to the main library) [CC-BY-SA-2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

Under Chapter 5,University autonomy and academic freedom was recommended for protection and promotion. A very pro-students recommendation here was the curtailing the current excess of universities establishing pre-degree programs as revenue generating avenue.

JAMB and NUC act etc were recommended for amendment .These are in addition to other recommendations.

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Test your Knowlegde of Nigeria

Knowledge encourage patriotism and loyalist to our fatherland.
"Patriotism is your conviction that this country is superior to all other countries because you were born in it."

Thursday, October 31, 2013

CBN: Only 23 banks healthy

CBN Headquarter in Abuja
Central Bank of Nigeria have declared that only 23 out of 24 Nigeria Banks are healthy. This was a fall out of her 2012 annual report release yesterday. All of the 23 banks have liquidity ratio above 30.0.
The report was however silent on the affected bank.More news as it unfolds.
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Wednesday, October 30, 2013

If Nigerians are to vote for a President on facebook

Facebook have become very iniquitous and a big “cyber real estate”.  More than 3 million Nigerians are currently  using Facebook. If Nigeria election is to be conducted on Facebook it looks like Goodluck Jonathan would have a home run. In addition he is apparently as popular worldwide as Bill Clinton among facebook users, of course he has more than 33% of Nigerians that use Facebook as Fans.

Even the Madiba may want to watch his scores with verified facebook likes of  1,932,186 compare to GEJ’s 1,119,570. Even though General Muhammadu Buhari have fierce followers on the street of Kano and Maiduguri however on the social media network, these have not impacted on his Facebook fans numbers; just about 10% of the number of GEJ fans. It maybe  true what Buhari detractor say that he is a tribal leader and more popular in the far-Northern Nigeria.

Internationally Angel Merkel would be green with envy with the volume of fans GEJ have. She may be  wondering why she a leader of one of the World Power bloc could not command such a verified face book like- just 418,222.
Forget Nigeria entertainment Stars! Even though some students would delay purchase of their stipulated handouts and would rather go for their shows. Most of them do not have fans like Mr President. Forget those non-verified fan likes. But Jolade Einkede did it, she is almost as popular as Mr President world-wide but Nigerians at home would rather care about the man in Abuja.

However the Presidency would have to watch Tope Alabi, Kokomaster,Wiz-Kid and Don Jazzy with 523 954,456,186 ,452,950 and 447,947 fans respectively. If it is based on popularity one of them should be given a ministerial slot.
President Goodluck Jonathan By World Economic Forum (Flickr: De-risking Africa: Goodluck Ebele Jonathan)
CC-BY-SA-2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

Wondering why Nigeria would vilify the president on one hand but click the facebook like button on the other hand is intriguing. It is near impossible it is the Federal Civil Servants that have been sent a “powerful memo” to accomplish the task. Some may be suspecting that since he had 17,892 fans on facebook in Oct 2011, but as he aged in Presidency is facebook fans figure blossom.

But GEJ would definitely fear the Man of God in Lagos-Pastor Adeboye not just because he has direct access to God but also because with one word or directive on his face book he would reach as much people as  Mr President. 

Assignment: Check  out how many of your friend like GEJ fan page. 

Note verified fans was used for this analysis instead of gross fans which on social media atimes does not reflect reality

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Friday, October 25, 2013

Quiz on Nigeria-1

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Global Position,Ranking and Rating of Nigeria

If Nigeria is to be a student in a class containing various countries of the World, below would be Page 1 of her Report card for 2013 when access on 29 various indices.
Page 1 of the Report Card.
 And below would be the Page 2

Thursday, October 17, 2013

10 Reasons why Nigeria should not break up

  • ·        We have paid prize for unity through a bloody Civil War where about 3million Nigerians lost their lives. This was a conflict to keep Nigeria one fought over a period that could have been invested to make Nigeria better.
  • ·        Nigeria in the present state is the sleeping giant of Africa and black race. 0ne out of every four blacks, so also on-seventh of African population  is a Nigeria making her population to be an asset. Lagos alone is one of the world largest city with bigger population that Benin and Togo. The economic potential is enormous.
  • ·        We have started although slowly and on a tortuous path in a journey to World prominence and possible dominance. Any act that stalls that does not necessarily guarantee any part taking off soonest.
  • ·        The breakaway parts might never get to the level Nigeria, she is at the present no matter how bad it is. None of the USSR fragment have reach the zenith of USSR days. Breakaway   Bangladesh and Pakistan are neither here or there. In fact Pakistan have become a hotbed of exportable fundamentalism after both nation broke away from India. So if certain part of Nigeria break away what is the guarantee that Far North would not concentrate there strife and make it exportable to it breakaway neighbours.
  • ·        The diversity- The diversity is enormous with over 250 tribes with her unique culture and traditions.  There is also diversity of natural resources which when properly harness can make the Nigeria a power house of economic development.
  • ·        Our leaders since democracy are drawn from most tribes and tongues in Nigeria, have any part demonstrated greater restraint in stealing our common patrimony. So if we break in many part we shall all part with our portion of thief, villains and essentially non visionary political class.
  • ·        If Nigeria would break, into how many pieces? Not into 3 parts where the presently the dominant tribes are calling shot i.e the ex- regions-North, West and East. Various antecedents have pointed to the fact that if Nigeria would break it would into not less than 10 mini nations with sub parts of these number in the trench agitating for their own Nation. Thus it is better it does not happen in the first place. North is never going to go as one Nation; the Fulani would want to continue their fore-bearer heritage of dominance of one North. The Middle Belt tribe would never accept the concept of one North, Plateau State is sign what would happen. It is even in doubt whether the Eggon and Alago in Nassarawa State will want to be in one Nation. The Middle Belt region may be a theater of War. How would the question of Old Ilorin Province, consisting of Offa be addressed, would North want a predominant Yoruba area as a part of it new nation. It is even in doubt if the Kanuris would want to be with the Hausa/Fulani ,religious affiliation notwithstanding!
  • ·        So much years have been spent as a nation not from 1960 when we attained independence but 1914 when we became one entity, one nation. That is a long years of investment in Nation building. 100 years have gone in Nation building, resources have one part of the country have been used for another thus such output have become common resources.
  • ·        The big brother of Africa would be gone with present smaller brothers becoming “Big brothers”.
  • ·        A breakup would turn many peace home of inter-tribal homes to foreigner inter-marriage with it attending problems.

Certainly it would be better for Nigeria to solve her problem together; get rid of the common thief, chase away the common vision-less leaders and pursue a common bright destiny together.

Note for redistribution: This article can be redistribute on other blogs  once a active backlink to this page is added below the republished article.10 Reasons why Nigeria should not break up

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Today in the Papers

National dialogue There’s Plot to Divide North - Gov Aliyu
Sunday Trust
Akpabio emerges African Youth Man of the Year Sunday Trust
We will publish names of banks’ debtors –Sanusi Punch
INEC declaration: Fresh crisis hits PDP Punch
With Debt Ceiling Looming, Focus Shifts to Senate  New York Times
No problem settling down in Turkey –Azuka  Punch

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Partitioning of Africa of 1884-1885

File:Berlin Conference 1884.jpg
Graphic painting of Berlin Conference(also known as Congo Conference or West African Conference)
 1884-1885, where African lands was 'partitioned' into countries, various tribes and existing nations 
where merged into new nations. A deed without any African  input. Image courtesy 

Friday, October 11, 2013


Associated Airline crash and a harvest of conflicting reports PUNCH
Asari-Dokubo establishes own university PUNCH
Lagos set to turn vast trash into power WEEKLY TRUST

Who Will Be the World’s First Trillionaire? YAHOO FINANCE
Netanyahu Takes a Lonely Stance Denouncing Iran INTERNATIONAL HERALD TRIBUNE

All Ivoirians share World Cup dream – Lamouchi PUNCH

Battle of Addis Ababa: We don’t need extra bonus to beat Ethiopia, declares Ameobi VANGUARD

Thursday, October 1, 2009


A year ago I came across a 20years old post secondary student,I did wanted to know how much he knew of Nigeria, his country.He did impress me except that he does not know what the symbols of the coat of arms stands for.

Subsequently, I met many others with varying performance, most did well.Except for one very interesting case where the particular girl does not know who colonised Nigeria after six years in secondary school.She said it was Benin Republic.Interesting indeed!

I quite understand many would not know what the symbols of the coat of arms stands for,so I decided to remind us.

BLACK SHIELD-------------------------------------Nigeria fertile soil

THE WHITE HORSE------------------------------(chargers)-----Dignity

THE EAGLE-----------------------------------------Strength

SILVERY BAND------------------------------------River Niger &Benue

THE YELLOW FLOWER(costus spectabilis)-Beauty of Nigeria

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Nigeria can be great

In the 1st week of September 1950,soap rationing ended in Britain. I can hear a gasp!That is less than 60years ago,mind you she has been in existence for donkey centuries.
The point is that common thing like soap could be scare in a great industrial country like Britain-in fact her name is Great Britain.This mean that all nation passed through certain problems at certain point or the other.
As for Nigeria we have many problems but if we collectively strive to solve our problems we will move toward greatness.